San Jose State University
ME 6016
1. List down the air fuel ratio requirements of a S.I. engine?
2. Summarize the different jets used in Carburetor?
3. Discuss about heterogeneous air-fuel mixture? In which engine is it used?
4. Sketch T-Head type combustion chamber used in S.I engines?
5. Define mean effective pressure and stoichiometric a
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1. List down the air fuel ratio requirements of a S.I. engine?
2. Summarize the different jets used in Carburetor?
3. Discuss about heterogeneous air-fuel mixture? In which engine is it used?
4. Sketch T-Head type combustion chamber used in S.I engines?
5. Define mean effective pressure and stoichiometric air – fuel ratio?
6. Define octane number of a fuel and anti knock index?
7. Formulate the stages of combustion in a SI engines?
8. Describe about normal combustion?
9. Describe about abnormal combustion and its consequences?
10. Explain the type of vibration produced when auto ignition occurs?
11. Illustrate the method to detect the phenomenon of knocking and List out some of the knock
limited parameters?
12. Define performance number?
13. List the parameters which are affecting knock in SI engine and List the parameters in time
factors that reduce the knocking?
14. List the drawbacks of the carburetion.
15. Discover what are the essential parts, compensating device and additional system (modern)
16. What are the general types of carburetors?
17. Discriminate the factors affecting carburetion?
18. Calculate the equivalence ratio?
19. Point out the various factors that affect the flame speed?
20. Categorize the functional requirements of an injection system?
21. List the composition factors in the knocking?
22. What are
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