Questions and Answers > An aircraft's speed relative to the ground is 215 km/h toward the west, with a 55! km/h tailwind from the east. The aircraft is flying at 45 °N latitude, and its altimeter reading is constant at 5.5 km. The plane turns to fly directly northward, maintaining its speed of 160 km/h relative to the atmosphere, and keeping the altimeter's reading 5500 m (i.e., the plane remains at a constant atmospheric pressure). With quite smooth terrain around this airport, the 10 m wind is blowing across the isobars at an angle of only 25 degrees. Estimate the wind speed

Science • Earth Science • Meteorology An aircraft's speed relative to the ground is 215 km/h toward the west, with a 55! km/h tailwind from the east. The aircraft is flying at 45 °N latitude, and its altimeter reading is constant at 5.5 km. The plane turns to fly directly northward, maintaining its speed of 160 km/h relative to the atmosphere, and keeping the altimeter's readin ...[Show More]

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Number of pages: 5
Language: English
Last updated: 2 months ago
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