Indiana University, Bloomington
CHEM 117
Experiment X Lab Report (Enviornmental Chemistry- Determing the Phophate Level of Water)
In order for plants to grow efficiently, the chemical intake of certain nutrients (e.g.
phosphate, nitrogen, potassium, etc.) is vital. For this reason, phosphates are commonly used as
fertilizers because they promote growth in
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Experiment X Lab Report (Enviornmental Chemistry- Determing the Phophate Level of Water)
In order for plants to grow efficiently, the chemical intake of certain nutrients (e.g.
phosphate, nitrogen, potassium, etc.) is vital. For this reason, phosphates are commonly used as
fertilizers because they promote growth in the roots of plants. However, even though fertilizers
are important for keeping an economically efficient agriculture, they also cause negative effects
on the environment, in particular those consisting of water. When different fertilized locations
(e.g. fields, gardens, lawns, etc.) are watered or rained upon, excess fertilizers enter the watershed
and begin to promote the growth of marine flora and algae. An example of negative effects is the
way these phosphate leaks react with algae. The fertilizers cause algae to grow at a vigorous rate
which in turn requires oxygen. Drastic levels of oxygen depletion take place and can also become
so bad that marine life can no longer survive. Overall this whole process is referred to as
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