North Carolina State University
ECE 212
I understand that there will be point deductions for the following issues:
Sloppy circuit diagrams, diagrams in general, tables, etc. You are urged to obtain a
drawing template for logic circuit symbols and for straight lines (every ECE student
should have one). Alternatively, you may use drawing software such as Visio.
Not stapling your pa
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North Carolina State University
ECE 212
I understand that there will be point deductions for the following issues:
Sloppy circuit diagrams, diagrams in general, tables, etc. You are urged to obtain a
drawing template for logic circuit symbols and for straight lines (every ECE student
should have one). Alternatively, you may use drawing software such as Visio.
Not stapling your pages together. You are urged to obtain a stapler.
Student’s signature: ____________________________
ECE 212 Spring 2020
Homework 8
[1] [40 pts] Free Points!!
[2] [30 pts] The 4-bit shift register shown in Figure 2 generates the XOR of parallel outputs B
and D and feeds the result back to the serial input at each clock cycle. This modifies the 4 bit
parallel output sequence from the shift register to create a new 4-bit output.
Assume that the starting pattern for the shift register contents, A, B, C, D are 0 1 0 1.
a. Determine the sequence of 4-bit output patterns, beginning with 0 1 0 1, that will be
generated by this shift register at each clock cycle. Continue until the pattern repeats. How
many unique 4-bit patterns are generated?
b. The modified circuit in Figure 3 shows C and D are XORed together. Repeat the exercise
with the same start pattern. How many unique 4-bit patterns are generated before the cycle
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