Final Exam Review > COSC 3P03: Designand Analysis of Algorithms Final,Dec. 10, 2022

Brock University COSC 3P03 3P03 1. (10) Indicate, for each pair of functions (f(n), g(n)) in the table below, whether f(n) is O, o, Ω, or Θ of g(n). An example is given for the case when f(n) = n and g(n) = n log n. f(n) g(n) O o Ω Θ n n log n yes yes no no log5 n log(n5) 22n 2n+1 n2/ log n n log n nlog 5 5log n 100n + o(log n) 200n3/2 + o(n log n) 2. ...[Show More]

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Language: English
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