DURATION: | 3 hours.
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This exam contains five (5) questions, which add up to a total of 100%. The final mark
will be scaled to equate to a maximum of 35% of the total marks for the unit.
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attempt ALL questions.
Type your answers into the table cells provided for each question.
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Page 1
ICT508 IT Project Management Final Examination
Semester 1 2020
(This page contains the same material provided on the last page in the Exam Preparation &
Pre-Reading document, which is available under Topic 12 in the LMS.)
EdMedia International Pty Ltd (EdMI) is proceeding with the EduStream project. You are the
Project Manager. The other elements of this scenario comply with the information provided
in the Assignment 1 and Assignment 2 materials, as well as other Topic-related content.
Because of your good management, the project timeline is progressing, as illustrated in Figure
1. The events covered in these exam questions are taking place during the period in the
middle of October 2020
(which is highlighted by the red hatched area shown in the timeline).
Figure 1:
EduStream Project Timeline - Overview
All of the questions in this exam paper refer to this scenario. Where specifically requested,
refer to the scenario. This includes any question that requires you to include ‘apply’ within
the define, explain, apply framework or when required to help you assess a situation. This
includes Questions 1.ii), 3.ii), 4.ii).b. and 5.ii).
Where any information appears to be missing or incomplete, state your assumptions in
your answers.
The exam questions begin on the following page
Page 1
ICT508 IT Project Management Final Examination
Semester 1 2020
Question 1 Total Marks: 15 Marks
It is early afternoon, and you are answering emails. You have received an email from
a senior member of the Board. He has asked you to please explain what you meant by
Process Groups within PMBoK, which you mentioned during the last meeting.
He has specifically asked that you keep this short and he is happy if you just provide
clear and understandable dot-point information that provides appropriate knowledge,
which would explain this to a novice. He has also explained that he knows you are
busy, so he has stated that you should
spend no more than about 20 minutes on the
Utilising the Define, Explain and Apply approach:
ii) |
Define and Explain the five PMBoK Process Groups; and
For one of the Knowledge Areas (e.g. Scope Management, Cost Management,etc.), provide
practical insights into how the Process Groups should be
during the EduStream project lifecycle, to coordinate the project activities. For
example, in relation to your selected Knowledge Area, list
practical activities
that you would implement during the various phases (e.g. Initiation, Planning,
Execution, etc.).
Type your response into the following cell.
The five PMBok process groups are defined as the activities which are
defined by various knowledge areas through the lifecycle of whole project.
The five PMBok includes:
1. Initiation: The procedures are utilized to start the task or phase of one
project. Important activities led in this includes, cautiously characterizing
and dissecting the work, and getting authorisation and permission for the
undertaking or stage, taking care of the needs of the stakeholders.
2. Planning: In planning, the point by point arrangements are done for the
execution of the project which is approved. It involves various
documents, to determine guarantee that the key parts of the program can
be executed viably. The documents includes: Project Management Plan,
Communications management plan, Quality management plan, Risk
Management Plan, Scope Management Plan and various other
3. Executing: When the undertaking is prepared to continue, the Project
Manager will start a scope of procedures that will encourage the
execution of the necessary errands. These assignments focus on giving
the objectives and deliverables of the project. Moreover, different
archives and data sets are made, according to the requirements which
incorporate work execution information, execution evaluations, venture
reports, etc.
4. Control and management: In order to guarantee, the key objectives and
procedures in the task lifecycle are overseen adequately, a scope of
checking and control techniques are executed. The controlling and