Intended feld of study:
Master of Business Administraton at Kaplan Business school ,Melbourne .
Introducton: I introduce myself as Mr.Sudip Adhikari ,22 years old, permanent resident of
Gaindakot-5,nawalparasi, Nepal . I see myself as an optmistc, well mannered and enthusiastc
and challenge chaser. Since childhood, I am ambitous and passionate toward achieving goals
and have been working hard to learn new thing.
Academic achievement:
Well, presentng my academic profle, I am a disciplined, hardworking and compettve student.
I appeared in S.L.C. (School Leaving Certfcate) exam in 2066 B.S. and scored 63.13% from Bal
Bikas English Boarding Higher Secondary School .Giving contnuity to my study, I admited in
Gaidakot Namuna Awasiya Higher Secondary School,Nawalparasi,Nepal and completed 10+2
level in Science stream from Higher Secondary Educaton Board (HSEB) with 57.9% in 2012.
Health Science was one of my favorite subject since in school. I always thought health is an
important part of every human’s life. From poor to wealthy people, everyone wants to be
healthy. So, I thought a career in health related feld will help me to provide positve influence on
other people’s lives. As far as I know, I was always willing to join medical feld since when I
started thinking about my future. Medical lab medicine is such a feld, whose professionals
assist physicians to make a precise diagnosis about the patent’s problems and treat them
accordingly. So this strong interest towards this feld made me select medical laboratory
technology (BSc. MLT) in bachelor level. I completed my bachelor level educaton from
Padmashree Insttute of Medical Laboratory Technology,afliated to the Rajiv Gandhi University
of Health Sciences (RGUHS)Karnataka,India from the year 2012 AD to 2016 AD with 78.4% in
aggregate, with no less than 75% in each year. I did my internship of 6 months from 1/02/2016
to 31/07/2016 at renowned diagnostc centre as a part of the course.
I also pose the profle of a registered Laboratory technologist under Nepal Health Professional
English language skills: As English is my second language; I took IELTS on 3rd of December,
2016. I scored overall 6.5 with Listening secton 7.5, Reading 7.0, Writng 6.0 and 6.0 on my
Speaking secton.
MBA degree holds the skills of team management, communicaton, leadership, chain of
command, team work, team mobilizaton, work management, risk management,
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interpersonal & public speaking skills, tme management skills. Studying a Master of
Business Administraton will help me to get out of my comfort zone, deal with the latest
issues in internatonal business, apply the newest management techniques and just
constantly challenge myself.MBA also enhances my sof skills like leadership, cross
cultural understanding and team work-all important features for a business leader. Apart
from confning boundary of business, MBA will allow me to investgate business concept
in a disciplined and holistc way, equips me with the necessary framework and helps me
to analyze real world business problem and opportunity. I believe MBA is globally
recognized degrees that can open doors to a new network of associates from diverse
industries and supports to increase my potental and skills to advance my career.