University of Notre Dame
Sandoz is a subsidiary of the multnatonal pharmaceutcal company Novarts, as of the
merger between Sandoz and Ciba-Giegy in 1996. In terms of products, Sandoz was brought back
afer three years of non-existence to be the name of the generic drug porton of Novarts’
operatons. This means that their products entail drugs that are subst
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Sandoz is a subsidiary of the multnatonal pharmaceutcal company Novarts, as of the
merger between Sandoz and Ciba-Giegy in 1996. In terms of products, Sandoz was brought back
afer three years of non-existence to be the name of the generic drug porton of Novarts’
operatons. This means that their products entail drugs that are substtutes to the brand name
drugs, which are usually sold at a lower price with less advertsing.
While it might not be a household name across the world, many people use Sandoz
products in their lifetme. For the purposes of this case I will only be focusing of Sandoz
Bienestar which is “a [Spanish] line [of products] that helps people feel good with quality
solutons that take care of their well-being.” Since all of the products in this line are based under
one general mission, it allows them to sell multple products under this line that all are focused
towards the same ultmate goal. These products include generic drugs for joint pain, memory,
cholesterol, tryptophan (which includes mood, anxiety, and sleep), energy, magnesium
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