Irvine Valley College
Can Love truly be Fulfilled?
The term love is defined as a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or
personal ties. In life, love is deemed as a universally valued attribute, but defining is in
behavioral terms can be a challenge. In today’s society, humans learn that love can come easily,
but it can also be hard to find
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Can Love truly be Fulfilled?
The term love is defined as a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or
personal ties. In life, love is deemed as a universally valued attribute, but defining is in
behavioral terms can be a challenge. In today’s society, humans learn that love can come easily,
but it can also be hard to find. However, ignoring someone’s need for love and the needs of
ourselves can only create unhappiness within ourselves as it blatantly omits our own innate
desires. According to Plato, love itself is not wise or beautiful but there is a desire for those
things. Love is expressed through propagation and reproduction: either physical love or the
exchanging and reproducing of ideas. Eros allows mortals to become immortal through body or
soul. Socrates has removed the emotional content from love. Love is now love of knowledge, not
love of another. The greatest knowledge, according to Diotima, is knowledge of the “form of
beauty,” which humans must try to achieve. In Plato’s philosophical text, Plato on Love, he
emphasizes how love is not about being fulfilled but how love has the ability to complete us.
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